Jackson's lawyers accuse Wade Robson of withholding evidence (2017 Jan 6)


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Lawyers for Michael Jackson's companies have accused choreographer Wade Robson of withholding evidence in his sex assault lawsuit against the late singer.

The 34-year-old dancer filed a late creditor's claim against Jackson's estate in 2013, claiming he was abused by the King of Pop when he was aged between seven and 14, but a judge threw out his case in 2015 because Robson had filed the papers too late - four years after the singer's death in 2009.

In September (16), he filed negligence claims against the executives of Jackson's companies MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures, claiming the covert purpose of the businesses was "to operate as a child sexual abuse operation".

Lawyers representing these companies have now accused Robson of making "false statements under oath regarding the existence of documents and his search for documents", withholding files that "should have been produced years ago" and redacting documents while making "frivolous assertions of privilege."

They are calling for a judge to enforce more than $17,000 (£14,000) in sanctions for this alleged behaviour.


Robson had previously denied being molested when he testified for Jackson's defence during his criminal sex abuse trial in 2005.

Source: https://pressfrom.info/uk/news/entertainment/-102183-michael-jacksons-lawyers-accuse-wade-robson-of-withholding-evidence.html