living with michael jackson ..who .....


New member
Michael's most sensitive sentiments from that unfair documentary make me die...Seeing him behaving so enchantingly and showing respect to the unmeritous...the accusers in especial...I empathise with Michael and his deepest feelings...and I cannot ever watch the documentary again...


New member
Originally posted by Kanya
Michael's most sensitive sentiments from that unfair documentary make me die...Seeing him behaving so enchantingly and showing respect to the unmeritous...the accusers in especial...I empathise with Michael and his deepest feelings...and I cannot ever watch the documentary again...
So, so agree. That documentary brakes my heart every time I try to watch it. I have still not seen the whole program because of that.


New member
I was forced to bear the humiliating words of my faculty colleagues two years ago, when, at the course of mass-media, the teacher, who would put divers films or documentaries for us to watch and analyse and comment upon, determined to put "Living With Michael Jackson". The comments were terrible, based on sheer want of cognition of the actual facts, of the true Michael, I was contradicted of course, the others choosing to debate and drift towards senseless topics such as Michael "wearing a wig", or of Michael "having more meat on him as a little boy" and the ludicrous, infantile like, in preference to meaningful accounts.

But what is the use to come strong on careless, prejudicial psyches?...


New member
The only part I like in that program was when the inner city children come to Neverland to have fun. Disregarding Barshir's stupid comment, that was beautiful footage. That's the only thing I like, the rest was horrible.
That interview disgusts me because of the way Martin Bashit treated him it was the most f.ucked up shit I've ever seen I hate that interview.
But I still love michael and your right he is hot in it but still I dont like that interview.


New member
Apart the viciousness that martin Bashir showed in his background commentaries during the interview, I think that seeing Michael in that footage was nice.
It was Bashir who ruined everything, and it doesn't surprise me finding out that he did almost the same thing to the other celebrities...

frozen rose

New member
That is why, when I listen to my music, I mute the sound, so I only see Michael, and don't get to hear Bashir's comments *laughs evilly* muhahaha
Once was enough for me.
However, there are a couple moments in that doc I wouldnt
mind seeing again. All I gotta do is "fast forward" the VCRah. Lol!
I do :D I mean, I can't stand Bashir, but I just LOVE seeing Michael's responses to things, his interaction with the fans and his children, the tree climbing/ Neverland scenes, etc..too cute :bleh:


New member
I watched this once - that was enough. I don't think I could watch it knowing what that damn interview started for Michael. I'd rather watch something I know was made without purging or hurting Michael in any way.


New member
i was flikng through my tv chanals and i saw :censored: Bashir or should i say BASHIT :extremely interviwing people who have houses built on nuclare bombs. :lol: :lol: well not that funny, Cuz he doesnt even have the heart to apologize to Michael and he just went to interviwing other peopl, like he didnt ruine somebodies life. he is a :censored: :censored: And God will give him what he deserves :extremely

Well i tend to go tooooo......... far with my emotions so dont mind me, i do that a lot. :D :D
I watch it once & a while-When I'm sad. :( I love this part:

Prince:Daddy, can I run?

Michael: Sure if you want

Prince: Ok *starts running*
In the evator:

Bashit: I see you got the star wars shoes.

Prince: Not part 2

Bashit: Not part 2

Prince: uh uh daddy got these for me

Bashit: why don't you like star wars pt2?

Prince: Because its boring & slow
Michael feeding Blanket:

Michael: I love you..

*Michael tries to put the bottle in Blanket's mouth*

Michael: Ah, Blanket wait wait Ah I'm trying to give him a bottle.

*Bashit tries to move the veil but he is actually trying to pull the veil off*

*Michael stops Bashit from trying to take the veil off*

*Blanket starts crying*

Michael: Oh, please don't cry blanket.

*Blanket countiues to cry*

Michael:Ok, Ok here we go...aboo


New member
Originally posted by MJ_FAN_FOR_LIFE733
I watch it once & a while-When I'm sad. :( I love this part:

Prince:Daddy, can I run?

Michael: Sure if you want

Prince: Ok *starts running*
In the evator:

Bashit: I see you got the star wars shoes.

Prince: Not part 2

Bashit: Not part 2

Prince: uh uh daddy got these for me

Bashit: why don't you like star wars pt2?

Prince: Because its boring & slow
Michael feeding Blanket:

Michael: I love you..

*Michael tries to put the bottle in Blanket's mouth*

Michael: Ah, Blanket wait wait Ah I'm trying to give him a bottle.

*Bashit tries to move the veil but he is actually trying to pull the veil off*

*Michael stops Bashit from trying to take the veil off*

*Blanket starts crying*

Michael: Oh, please don't cry blanket.

*Blanket countiues to cry*

Michael:Ok, Ok here we go...aboo

I know :D it shows how he loves his children soooooo...... much :tooexcite , and how respectful they are 'CUZ they dont do anything without asking him :D :D :D :D :D

I think he's a great dad :rollingba and I wish him health and happiness through out his life :D

:banana-mu *Michael, Keep MOON WALKING, 'Cuz you are the only one in this world who first really moon walked*