Michael Moments

What can you recall is your most vivid Michael Moment? What I mean is has there ever been a time where you inspired other people by playing any of his music. Have you ever had a coincendenc where you did something and it reminded you of something Michael would do? Here I'll start off.......

As of now to this moment....right now as I'm typing...We have some people come and clean our house now and again and well right now I'm just ya know web surfing on mjeol. I'm playing MJ and all the cleaning people start singing and dancing cleaning the house. They are hispanic so they are speaking spanish to each other talking about MJ and laughing having fun. They even told me and my mom they liked the music I'm playing.

Another Michael Moment I had was......When I first became a fan back in 2003 my little cousin Simone, my mom and I went out of town to a little ranch house in oklahoma. There were some people holding a party in one of the party rooms available at the main house. So me and my cousin just decided to go because we figured there would be lots of kids there our own age. So when we went it happend to be a birthday party for one of the guests but we didnt know that. So they had music going, and my cousin dared me to go up and ask if they would play some Michael. Well I was like sure why not. I went up and asked the DJ if he had any and he was like yeah but Michael got booed earlier. I told him I still wanted to hear it figuring he didnt want to play it just because he didnt feel like it. So he ended up putting on "Dont Stop Til You Get Enough." Me and my cousin were first one on the dance floor and started dancing to the song doing all the Michael moves like he did in the video. So eventually people started getting in the spirit and dancing with us. The DJ saw the people and played MORE MJ. They turned on Beat It and me and my cousin did the whole routine together. Everyone cheered and joined in too.. It was such a success. At the end a lady made an announcement Thanking everyone for coming to celebrate her Grandpa's birthday and she thanked us for coming because we ended up being the only 2 from the main house that came and joined the fun. We were the ones that got the party livened up. Thanx to good ole MJ hehehe :D


New member
Ah, what a great topic idea!

Favorite Michael moments... well, one of the top has to be from 2003. I was thirteen years old at the time and my cousin was starring in a formal play production put on by his university - on HALLOWEEN NIGHT.

I totally showed up dressed as Michael Jackson. :michaeljacksonicon:
And, um, was kind-of-maybe-a-little introduced to the President of the university... as Michael Jackson. :lol That's one of my favorite memories.

This past school year was my freshman year of college. I quickly realized that a lot of my hallmates liked Michael's music as well (and those who didn't, I turned them on to it). We used to rock-out to MJ songs in the hall kitchen quite frequently - especially during the birthday parties - but the best time was probably this one night when we went into one of the big seminar classrooms and took over their projection screen (literally the size of an entire wall) with my Bucharest '92 DVD. We sang, danced and ate popcorn for two hours in the oh-so-pleasant company of a larger-than-life Mike. :cool:

There was also the night when we... :lol well, I packed as many people as could fit into my car and we rode around the campus blasting MJ songs as loud as the speakers would feasibly allow. (Okay, so maybe we did this several times... whatever!)

During middle/high school, everyone made fun of me for loving Michael, but as soon as I got to college he was suddenly the coolest thing since sliced bread. Finally, after 8 years of agony, I've met a group of people who think it's awesome that I'm a walking, talking Jackson dictionary. :rolleyes:


New member
For African-American history month a year ago, I had my students do an R&B battle of music legends! We started with old school and moved to new school. I blended songs together and taught the students the stage mannerisms of the musicians and they even wore some costumes to jazz it up a bit. The line up was in this order: Tina Turner, Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, MICHAEL JACKSON, Janet Jackson, Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, Beyonce, Rihanna, Chris Brown, and last but not least, James Brown.
The crowd went wild during the whole performance because it was too funny to watch these little kids imitate these idols.
But I noticed that they went ape $hit when Michael Jackson came out! I couldn't even hear the music anymore through the speakers. I was trying to direct 'Michael' through his Billie Jean routine and he couldn't hear me cuz everyone was screaming so loud! You would have thought it was really him!:8-26-03respect:
I was so proud of that moment. I wish he could have seen it...