Michael\'s children


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thrilla;139656 said:
I heard in an interview that Michael did on a radio station, a while back, that Paris prefers playing with her brother's toys then her toys. And Michael even bought her beautiful collections of dolls but she rather plays with Prince's toys! So cute! I'll try to find the interview so you guys can hear it.

Yeah thats cute but i wonder how Michael feels about that? But eventually Paris probably grow out of being a tomboy like her auntie Janet has.:D


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Tessa;179902 said:
I wouldnt die is she doesnt..she'll just be like Ciara hahahahaha!!

I know this is off subject but Ciara is a tomboy? But i wonder hOW Michael feels about his little girl being a tomboy.:lol


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mjlover123;179905 said:
I know this is off subject but Ciara is a tomboy? But i wonder hOW Michael feels about his little girl being a tomboy.:lol

Yeah she is!
How SHOULD he feel? Janet was all his childhood and he couldnt blame her cuz she was surrounded by BOYs half the time lol

All paris has are brotherss..

All I have are brothersss...and Im kind of a tomboy..but im not lez if thats what you mean lol