Im with Mathilde. EVERYONE knows about your site, you post it WHEREVER you go.
Its annoying. Go spam your own board. IF any of those people that signed to your forum knew what a raging lunatic you were they wouldnt have even clicked the link. Get over it and stop making up stories about ppl visiting your lame ass sight. no one thinks you are michael unless they actually think michael is a self obsessed insecure spaming moron.
Stop thinking everyone is jealous. NO ONE is jealous of you. NO ONE. What do we have to be jealous of? Bi-polar syndrome? Schizophrenia? Your fu/cking LUNACY???
Everyone opening this thread is looking to laugh at you. NO ONE takes u seriously. And i wouldnt even put it behind to click your own thread just to get it "read count" up. Lord knows you post as if your post count is indicative of your popularity here. If anything, it works the exact opposite for you.
I dont know why Whisper just doesnt ban you or put you under some sort of mod que.
You are crazy.