Official Feb 15 Jury selection - Flu Hospitalization

frozen rose

New member
Originally posted by whisper
He vomitted b/c he was sick. Period. You don't vomit from 'nerves' at this stage. He's never vomited before and he's never been sick before. It's not a coincidence that he was ill and threw up.

ok. My mum was the one that suggested the thought of nerves. But I am still concerned, poor little Mike. :(
I hate how the media are mis-interpreting the whole situation. The can't seen to draw an understandable conclusion to Michael's sudden condition. It's plain and simple.. Michael has flu-symptoms. It not a coincidence, it's not a device to escape the court proceedings, nor is it a nonsensical excuse! :hitting



New member
I'm just relieved he's okay! The media can go to hell, he got sick! Why do they always have to make him look bad at every opportunity? Get a ****ing life!

Black Loafers

New member
Originally posted by whisper
He vomitted b/c he was sick. Period. You don't vomit from 'nerves' at this stage. He's never vomited before and he's never been sick before. It's not a coincidence that he was ill and threw up.

OMG.....I wish I could do be there and hold his hand...:bluecry:


New member
im so glad that he is gonna be ok. i was about to cry when i herd he was in the hospital. i wish i could be there with him to make him feel better. my poor baby.


New member
Hey Everyone, I just heard about Michael. I hope everyone is doing fine. I'm happy Michael is doing well. My prayers are with him. Is everyone alright in here? I'm be home later for updates. Stay Strong everyone and ignore the f**king media.


New member
Originally posted by HeavenSent
It's so stupid. The media, I swear to gawd. :nonono: No other celebrity on the face of this planet gets treated the way he does.

A famous athlete, I believe it was Michael Jordan who had to be fed intravenously with the flu, but did people question why he was in the hospital? of course not.

and besides, what the hell is there to escape? The jury proceedings?!

Please, give me a break you losers.

Apparently Michael isn't allowed to function like a regular human being cause he is so irregular :nonono: psssht. [/sarcasm]

I think he is the most unlikely person to ever wanna pull a sickie! He's not like...the rest of the lying world :laugh
and besides, what the hell is there to escape? The jury proceedings?!

Exactly! It's not as though it's the day of the decision of the final verdict. It's complete sensationalism, blown waaaaay out of proportion. I swear to god, when I get over to Cali this year I'm gonna knock one of those reporters from their feet with a bowling ball.

It has been reported from SkyNews that Michael is stable enough to go home :)

What a relief. I hope Michael will have a sucessful recovery during these following days



New member
yay he can go home! I remember when my sister got a very bad case of the flu and was sent to the hospital and put on an IV. She was able to come home the following day. I figured Michael would recover alright.