Prosecutors Must Return Jackson\'s Property


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Prosecutors Must Return Jackson's Property

Published: Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:05 PM PDT

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The judge who presided over Michael Jackson's child molestation case ordered prosecutors Thursday to return to the entertainer hundreds of items seized by investigators.

The items, including computers, books and adult magazines, were gathered as evidence by authorities looking into allegations that Jackson molested a 13-year-old boy two years ago. Jackson, who was acquitted last month, was not in court.

"Anything you have seized that was not brought to court and was not contraband, should be returned to Mr. Jackson," Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville told Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon.

Items introduced in court as evidence also will be returned to Jackson after news media representatives have been given time to review them, Melville said. But the judge wouldn't allow reporters to see videotapes featuring Jackson or his accuser.

"Those have privacy issues and copyright issues," Melville said.

Jackson's attorneys have petitioned for the return of all items taken from the entertainer.

Sneddon argued against returning some items he labeled "contraband." He said those included syringes, the drug Demerol and prescriptions for various drugs, mainly antibiotics, that were in different people's names.

A service of the Associated Press(AP)



New member
u r welcome :thumbsup

but does this include the '93 photos?
probably not


New member
William Wagener reports from Santa Maria!

Thurday, July 21, 2005

Santa Maria Courthouse, 8:30 a.m., Dept. 2, a single attorney for Michael J. Jackson, Steve Dunkle of Robert Sanger Office in Santa Barbara, made the lone appearance for Michael Jackson, and would not comment on the Court proceedings.

Thomas Sneddon, commented only that the "Judge said it pretty well". What was at issue was magazines & "adult material", that both Judge Melville and District Attorney seemed to feel should be "available" to media to review and the only issue was HOW LONG, available. Sneddon indicated he was concerned that there might be some "toxic" stuff on the magazines left over from the fingerprint analysis. Melville said, finally that he was not yet making an order, but would AFTER this hearing issue an order "along the lines" of magazines and "adult material", would at some point be returned to Mr. Jackson, along with photographs that were taken FROM Neverland. However, "contraband" would not be returned.

Also, "sealed Motions" would be Unsealed at some point. Passports and related material would be "RETURNED TO THE PARTIES PLACING THEM IN EVIDENCE" [my emphasis] and it would be up to "them" to return them to the owners of the property.

As to the naked private parts photo, ahemmm, of Mr. Jackson and certain related items, Mr. Sneddon argued that those "belong to the Sheriffs" or County, and should not be returned. Melville said he would NOT include those in "this case's order", but would delineate those under a separate order. My guess is, that means, the Sheriffs, will get to keep all the extra copies, and copies of Mr. Jacksons private parts photo have long [been rumored] to have been passed around among law "enforcement". Like yeah. Some officer has a kid run up to him every day ;-), and say, "Hey Mr. Cop", a very white black man who has his own body guard and rolls just flashed me in my front yard, and so now .... what the cop on the street can whip out and say, did his private parts look like this [as he shows the to-be-in-future-kids MJJ privates???!?@?!? This is nuts. This is Santa Maria injustice.

I know of no other case, and I see a lot of them, where a defendant has his genitalia photographed to be held for a decade and then when the BIG CASE is over, and the defendant proves he is NOT GUILTY, be reason of the PROSECUTOR's perjury-committing liar-witnesses, the Government gets to keep the .... well I can only call it.... jeezzz Louizzz.... Government created Porn against a innocent man, forcing the innocent victim to pose for PORN, and Judge Rodney SSssssss Melville, can not bring himself to be decent enough, to just "SAY NO" to the Nazi mentality of THIS District Attorney, and order the PHOTOs back to Mr. Jackson.

Maybe, Judge Melville will so order, even if the material the photo is ON, does belong to the County, or Sheriffs, I am sure Mr. Jackson would be willing to PAY for the Photographic paper to get legal control and possession of his genitalia. This is disgusting, that the Sheriff was allowed to create this GOVERNMENT PORN, against a man... who IS innocent. Judge Rodney Sssss Melville ought to order it returned, if for no other reason, Mr. Jackson, can then sue the [rumored] deputies and Sneddon for having copies let loose. And Oh, did Diana Delusional and other get one for their private dart board target?

If Melville does NOT order them returned, then perhaps a RECALL on Melville is in order.

Oh, and I sat in the line of Judge Melville's gaze when he looked kindly and inquisitively at Tom Sneddon.

There were only local Channel 12, CBS affiliate , Cushner , no Steve Corbett, no Roger, no Diana and myself there to report. Something tells me this ain't over yet.

This is William J. Wagener, the guy in the white hat, reporting from Santa Maria.


New member
Melville orders items returned
By Quintin Cushner/Senior Staff Writer

Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville ruled Thursday that most items seized from Michael Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch should be returned - but not photos of the singer's genitalia.
The judge said a prior order dictates that those images must remain locked in a safe-deposit box.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon made his first Santa Maria court appearance Thursday since his prosecution of Jackson ended June 13 with the singer's acquittal on child molestation, alcohol and conspiracy charges.

Sporting a newly grown goatee, Sneddon argued that the photographs, snapped as part of a 1993-1994 law enforcement investigation into whether Jackson molested a 13-year-old Los Angeles boy, were irrelevant to the entertainer's 2005 criminal trial.

"I don't believe it would be appropriate for the court to consider (releasing) them," Sneddon said. "They were never entered into evidence."

The judge agreed with Sneddon. "I think (the photographs) are subject to the 1993 order and not subject to this court's order," Melville said
. "I will be making an order that they will be maintained under the previous order."

Sneddon also said he opposed returning "contraband" seized from Neverland, near Los Olivos, during the search.

"Demerol, syringes, clothing that contained Demerol," Sneddon said, listing the items at Melville's request. "There was a number of prescriptions that were in other people's names."

Sneddon said the prescriptions were for Xanax and various antibiotics, and that one of the prescriptions was in the name of a Neverland employee.

Melville ruled that items seized from Neverland and not entered into evidence, including about nine computers, should be returned.

"Anything you have seized that was not brought to court and was not contraband, should be returned to Mr. Jackson," Melville said.

The judge also ruled that all other seized items should be returned to their owner, after the media has time to examine them. However, Melville indicated he would not allow reporters to view numerous videotapes featuring Jackson, the accuser's family or both.

"Those have privacy issues and copyright issues and in all likelihood, I would not order their release," Melville said.

Jackson's defense had petitioned for the return of all items seized from the singer. Attorney Stephen Dunkle represented Jackson in court Thursday, but did not make oral arguments.

"The District Attorney and the Sheriff's Department are not entitled to retain seized property," Dunkle wrote in his motion. "...This case is over. Law enforcement is merely holding the seized materials for the Court and has no independent right of possession."

As part of its investigation, Santa Barbara County law enforcement seized hundreds of items, including books, magazines and computer hard drives from Neverland.

Sneddon said he was concerned about returning adult magazines seized from Neverland, because the items underwent a chemical fingerprinting process.

"They bear a seal on the binder that say they are toxic," Sneddon said. "I believe there should be some kind of a release signed by Mr. Jackson ... if he or one of his children has a toxic reaction to one of those materials."

Sneddon also indicated that the boy and the family who accused Jackson of conspiracy and child molestation wanted some of their possessions returned, including a jacket and watch the pop star gave the youth.

The family also requested the return of their passports, birth certificates and visas, along with applications for those materials. They also wanted several photographs and books returned.

Jackson was not in court for Thursday's hearing.

Quintin Cushner can be reached at 739-2217 or qcushner@



New member
Yes, contrabband...
I thought that a person who has contrabband things should be prosecuted,
and I don't remember MJ being prosecuted for this: as for the Demerol,
I bet Sneddon invented some stuff to make it bigger than it is...
I don't know what kind of drug Demerol is, but I know that Sneddon and Co are LIARS

P dub

New member
demerol is like uuuummm epidural i belive and ok im confrustrated (confused+frustrated) didn't it say that anything that wasn't entered in as evidence to the trial would be given back to mj? so why wont give his pics of his d*ck back? :idontknow


New member
Originally posted by P dub
demerol is like uuuummm epidural i belive and ok im confrustrated (confused+frustrated) didn't it say that anything that wasn't entered in as evidence to the trial would be given back to mj? so why wont give his pics of his d*ck back? :idontknow

I do think this thing:
the da office is really PERVERTED if they don't want to give those pics back to MJ :thumbsdow
*sighs and whews* Well, this is better than I had previously thought..LOL :lol: At least he is getting most of his stuff back...but what exactly is going on with the '93 pictures? Is Melville like making a seperate ruling later on that? I'm confused...


New member
Demoral is a painkiller medication I believe. I think it can be injected through a syringe.

Correct me if I'm wrong on this.


New member
Originally posted by MJPowerOfLove
looks like sneddass is still dreaming jordan will come in and testify for that case :(

maybe he (Sneddon) didn't yet understand that
the real 1993 investigation is not the corruption that he implied in order to find out a person whom he could even had threatened in order to behave like he wanted.
Didn't he know that the same J Chandler fought (coorect me if I'm wrong) in order to be left alone by his own parents, after that they extorted money from MJ? How can he explain that?

By the way: isn't Sneddon going to be retired by now?