So, I\'ve been MIA for a little while...

Hey, everyone:),

You may (or may not, lol) have noticed that I've been away for a little while. I haven't been online as much lately because I am sorry to say that a week ago Friday, I lost my grandfather to cancer. :( It was an all too sudden diagnosis and an even more sudden loss, one that's been very difficult for my whole family, as well as, of course, myself--he was like a father figure to me. So I've been preoccupied back at home with my family, with the memorial service (which was on Wednesday) and then getting back home and to school, catching up with my coursework, etc. But I've missed MJEOL and everyone here and am glad to be back and will be catching up real soon! :8-26-03fruits_apple

See you around.



New member
Aww...I noticed you weren't around as well as several others absence over the past week or two! In fact I complained to Veronica just the other day! :mellow:

So sorry to hear about your grandfather too :( My heart goes out to you and your family--may he rest in peace!




New member
I noticed you weren't around lately... I was wondering what was up with you but I just assumed you were busy...

I'm very sorry about your loss...
I guess the only good thing about it is that he didn't have to suffer much and is in a better place now...

Glad you're back girl! now you go and update those fics of yours, ASAP!!!! lol

Welcome Back :wub:


New member
Tara, good to see you back. :wub: Like I told you earlier this week, if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. I know all too well how much it hurts -my thoughts are with you. :(
Aww, you guys..thank you SOO much. Seriously, you all are the best and your support and kind words mean SO much right now. :wub: It's good to be back!

Glad you're back girl! now you go and update those fics of yours, ASAP!!!! lol

Haha :lol Well, I'm pretty swamped in course work I have to make up (I missed almost the whole first week after Spring Break..:mellow: ), BUT once that's all's on! :thumbsup

*hugs everyone* :8-26-03fruits_apple


New member
Tara, I think it is incredibly thoughtful for you to pop in and let us know about this difficulty. Then again, sometimes sharing your pain neutralizes it. I'm really glad you're able to smile! But my advice from one overworked/stressed out gal to another: Take care of yourself, family and school first and put MJEOL on the backburner if you must! We'll still be here!

So keep looking to the sky. You're my partner in bumping gums about politics so I'll need you around eventually!


New member
I'm really sorry about your grandfather hon:( I know all too well the pain of losing a grandparent. Just keep going strong. As I told you before, it does get better eventually.
But my advice from one overworked/stressed out gal to another: Take care of yourself, family and school first and put MJEOL on the backburner if you must! We'll still be here!

So keep looking to the sky. You're my partner in bumping gums about politics so I'll need you around eventually

Aww, thanks, girl! :8-26-03fruits_apple I have to say that I might not be able to post as much in the next few weeks, as there is soo much going on with my classes and all (can you believe the semester is over in like a month? God, time flies!), but I will be popping in as often as possible--this place and you guys help to put a smile on my face and help keep me going these days! :wub: :)

I'm doing okay, though. It's hard, but I take it day by day. I'm hanging in. :cool:

BTW, I'm back in the Election thread--check it out! :thumbsup

And thank you to everyone else, for your sweet messages. Love you guys!:8-26-03fruits_apple