The SeXuAl StErEoTyPe of Being a MJ Fan...

Tabloid Junkie

New member
Okay, I have to truly ask.

I'm a huuuuuuge MJ fanatic, 15, and a male. I live in Chicago. I'm white.

Where I live, listening and liking MJ is actually really cool and no problem. However, no matter where you go, you always get 1 or 2 people who stereotype male MJ fans, of any age, as gay or bisexual. Why?

Can a male MJ fan be straight? Puhleez! Anyone relate?

BTW, is there a stereotype against MJ male fans to be gay/bi because most of them are? I dunno; I know I'm not.



I've never seen that stereotype. Most male MJ fans aren't gay, and I think most people realize that. Maybe the people where you live that are saying that are just dumb.

You see all these wannabes on TV that profess their love for MJ's talent and music, are they gay? Nope.

When you see the male MJ fans on TV do they come across as gay? Not generally.

Yeah, they are just being dumb.

Sure MJ has gay fans, who doesn't? Gay people are people too, of course they are going to be a fan of someone.

The only stereotype I've seen like that is when a male will say 'I love Christina Aguilera!' or Hilary Duff, Britney Spears, Madonna, Mariah Carey...ect ect. Any popular female pop artist other than for the love of her ass, people consider them gay.

PS: Did you HAvE tO TypE thE tItLe lIke ThIs??!!?!


New member
Originally posted by ~Vicky~

I've never seen that stereotype. Most male MJ fans aren't gay, and I think most people realize that. Maybe the people where you live that are saying that are just dumb.

You see all these wannabes on TV that profess their love for MJ's talent and music, are they gay? Nope.

When you see the male MJ fans on TV do they come across as gay? Not generally.

Yeah, they are just being dumb.

Sure MJ has gay fans, who doesn't? Gay people are people too, of course they are going to be a fan of someone.

The only stereotype I've seen like that is when a male will say 'I love Christina Aguilera!' or Hilary Duff, Britney Spears, Madonna, Mariah Carey...ect ect. Any popular female pop artist other than for the love of her ass, people consider them gay.

PS: Did you HAvE tO TypE thE tItLe lIke ThIs??!!?!


Tabloid Junkie

New member
Originally posted by ~Vicky~

I've never seen that stereotype. Most male MJ fans aren't gay, and I think most people realize that. Maybe the people where you live that are saying that are just dumb.

You see all these wannabes on TV that profess their love for MJ's talent and music, are they gay? Nope.

When you see the male MJ fans on TV do they come across as gay? Not generally.

Yeah, they are just being dumb.

Sure MJ has gay fans, who doesn't? Gay people are people too, of course they are going to be a fan of someone.

The only stereotype I've seen like that is when a male will say 'I love Christina Aguilera!' or Hilary Duff, Britney Spears, Madonna, Mariah Carey...ect ect. Any popular female pop artist other than for the love of her ass, people consider them gay.

PS: Did you HAvE tO TypE thE tItLe lIke ThIs??!!?!

I've seen that stereotype especially in Madonna and Janet male fans.

Thanks for responding though.

BTW, I typed like that to get the attention of the readers :lol: It won't happen again...well, at least if it's something really interesting. :bleh:


No, you shouldn't do it again. Cause usually when I see typing like that, I think ...Idiot.

A lot of other people do too. :bleh:


New member
Hey, do'nt worry about the type of the title. I think the content is very interesting. That's the most important thing.


New member
I never had a problem with that. No body ever thought I had a CERTAIN type of sexual preferances because I was a MJ fan. They would just wonder why I would finds "Someone like Michael attractive".
Good music is good music. Is what it is, ya know?
You shouldn't be considered a certain why just because of the type of music u listen to...


New member
Hey you know what, when you type the title like that I actually struggle to read it so I'm more likely to skip the thread ;) - just a hint :D

I gotta be honest, I've never heard of this "male MJ fans= gay" stereotype. I know several men that are really into Michael's music - and none of them are gay.

Michael's going to have gay fans as well as straight ones - just like everyone else - and there's nothing wrong with that!!


New member
I haven't seen the stereotype either. I listen to the radio occasionally, and I never got the feeling there was any type of preconceived notion about his fans. Right after the verdict, i heard mothers, fathers, leaders...everyone calling to voice their support. All of them claimed to love his music.

After all...he's got the most diverse fanbase there is! No one can lay claim to having so many fans of so many different backgrounds.


New member
Well, i'm sure there are tons of gay men who are fans of Michael Jackson and are in love whith him.... or at least it would seem that way. Think about it for a minute, he looks like a girl,he has long black hair, thin pink lips, pale skin, big brown eyes, wears a ton of make-up, and i'm sure that high voice of his is a COMPLETE turn-on for gay men to.


New member
^Michael doesn't look like a girl!!! If he seriously did, I wouldn't call him sexy and handsome cuz I don't flow that way


New member
Michael does not look like a girl! It is true that he had plastic surgery, but he did not bleached his skin to be white! Look at his earlier years, at so many pictures which all prove Michael's serious condition, which had to be concealed in make-up! Were he to wish to become a caucasian, those blotches on his skin would have been non-existent, so much for them! He would have simply chosen to utilise a substance the name of which eludes me for the moment, and that gradually decolours the skin, WITHOUT CAUSING ANY SPOTS!!!

And, just so that everybody knows, essay and be Michael for a minute only...Abide to be laughed at for your pimples, abide to be chided and called "Big Nose", abide and stay proud while being called ugly, WHEN YOU ARE NOT!!! You shall then feel how deep craters form on the surface of your quietude and peace of mind! Then begin and judge Michael and his most heightened a sensitivity!

Michael, you are the most beauteous of all creatures, and I am proudest to share your name and sign...