TV Alert: Tom Mesereau on CNN + Rita Cosby on MSNBC (MERGED)


New member
Originally posted by i_care_4_michael_jackson
I missed it. what time does it come on again?

Today, at 4pm Pacific Time, 7pm Eastern Time, Attorney Thomas Mesereau, Jr. will appear on CNN on the program, 'Anderson Cooper 360'.


New member
Originally posted by whisper
Now, according to Cosby right before the commercial break, the 3rd juror (Katharina Carls) is saying she doesn't regret voting to acquit. WTF? I guess we'll see what she has to say.

Huh???!!! This juror has got to be worse than those other 2 f**kers. She said she actually BELIEVED the Arvizos, did she not???



Staff member
Originally posted by sistahlamb
Huh???!!! This juror has got to be worse than those other 2 f**kers. She said she actually BELIEVED the Arvizos, did she not???

They all said they believe the Arvizos. But this Carls lady is standing by her verdict b/c she says there was doubt.


New member
Originally posted by whisper
They all said they believe the Arvizos. But this Carls lady is standing by her verdict b/c she says there was doubt.

Oh OK sorry bout that. But how can this bitch say that she completly believed the Arvizo's(she said there was only 1% doubt in her mind that they were telling the truth) with no evidence to back up her beliefs?? Same goes to those other 2 jurors.

Complete bulls**t.


New member
damn it i was out for the night and missed all this! does neone know of a url so i can download the rita cosby interview with that 3rd juror?


Staff member
Originally posted by CaptainEO
damn it i was out for the night and missed all this! does neone know of a url so i can download the rita cosby interview with that 3rd juror?
It really was a waste of time. You may just want to wait for MSNBC to post the official transcript and just read it.


New member
Thanks for the video Whisper!!

I keep getting this feeling that half the jurors will end up writing books eventually from what that juror said at the end. Granny is a complete bitch. The old hag should be prosecuted for this s**t she's pulled.

And the media needs to get over the fact that there wasn't ANY evidence that pointed to guilt in this case. But I'm glad so much of the media isn't backing them up. Even Nancy Disgrace wasn't even backing them last night!!!


New member
Well, it was those 2 jurors who initally said that they believed Michael was guilty of something is the past or was/is a pedophile so it's safe to say that they would be the ones most likely to be confronted with a book deal. Go figure.....

9 of the 12 jurors haven't done anything yet and HOPEFULLY it'll stay that way. But the 90 day thing still isn't over yet so.......

Only time will tell.


New member
Originally posted by Jackson829
And that Cook was planning on writing a book before the trail, that it was a "Memoir" Yeah right. So yeah a lot of setbacks for those two jurors to have to live with. Sucks for them :D

What publisher would have been interested in printing the "Memoirs" of some random 79 year old with an uneventful life (pre-trial)???
