Yet another rumor debunked Michael\'s animal\'s


New member
I don't know if anyone remembers, but when Michael first left the country after the trial, there was all this talk about Neverland and the condition of the animals in the zoo. The talk in the media was that Peta was so upset that the animals where "abandened and mistreated" and they where being rescued by Tipi Hedren who runs an animal sancutary because of the ill treatment and on and on. And true to form not one more word was mention in the media about it.

Well Tipi Hedren was on The Ellen Degenerous Show Thursday December 13 to talk about an accident that happened last week with a wild cat (tiger I believe) and one of the workers at the sancutary. Ellen in her introduction praised her work in rescueing animals for the past 36 years. When Ms. Hedren came out she brought Ellen a present. They where two pictures, one of a lion that she has and the other was of two tigers. She said their names where "Thriller and Sabu they where living at Michael Jackson's place". Ellen asked her 'if they where Michael Jackson's' and Tipi said "yes." Ellen asked her what condition they where in when she received them and her response was " Oh they were Terriffic. They came to us as beautiful as they are in this picture." Ellen said "so this is an example of animals who have been treated well and taken care of." Tipi said "Oh yes. "

My question is why do they do this to this man? I know that all celebrities get this at some point. But Michael treatment is just on a different level. It's just not right! He's got a good little heart and he doesn't deserve this. It just blows me away. I've been a fan since 1980 and I guess I should be use to it but I'm not:(

Well that's the real story about the animals just for the record.


New member
Strange how when these rumors are crushed, the media hardly ever reports them. They don't like to look at the real facts.

I actually saw Tippi Hedren a few years ago in Bodega Bay, and she's quite a classy woman, and even more so with all the work she does rescuing animals.


New member
Black Loafers;199380 said:
Isn't tipi that little girl from africa that grew up with animals and lived in the bushes with the bushmen?

No... this Tipi is an actress famous for starring in a movie called The Birds in the 60's and is also Melonie Griffins (sp?) mother.:)