I dont think Karen likes Debbie that much.


New member
I'm sorry but i just HAD to post this here. for those who dont go to MJJF..
(and sorry if this has been posted before, if it has then i'm going blind.)

this is what the topic was about, by Whisper:
Inside Edition had a blurb today about the Rowe-Jackson issue. And again, Rowe's attorney with the big mouth, Camp, was talking about the issue.

They claim that the nanny, Grace, is Muslim that this is one issue that was "concerning" to Rowe.

I post this in hopes that someone can get on their asses about this information if it is indeed false that Grace is Muslim. Oxman can't comment b/c of the gag order.
then people talked about that a little and Karen posted about Grace and then about Debbie...and this is what she wrote about her:
Debbie is looking for attention any way she can get it. She claims to want her privacy,
but why go on TV and get a make over, show everyone her house...please! She should do everyone a favor, and have respect for herself, Michael and her children and approach her life
with more class than she has recently been. Who and what does she really care about?
If she has any VALID concerns, why would she air them in the media (and condemn the media in the same breath). Personally, if I loved my children so much, their well being and privacy would be my FIRST concern....not how much airplay I could get in one week. Grow up Debbie!

first i thought this whole Debbie issue was made up or that the media twisted it ..or something.
obviously not. :laugh


New member
grow up Karen! they should both learn to air their greivances in a more appropriate manner. Regardless, i dont care, the child-issue is a non-issue as far as im concerned. No one can touch mikes kids, and thats the truth.


Oh Jeeze! Wow!

MJ and Karen are still very close, I suppose MJ shares her feeling. :laugh

Wow, this sucks..I never thought Debbie would go this route.


Originally posted by HeavenSent
If Michael would only consider me, I'd be the only sane woman he's ever known. *sigh*

All of his ex-lovers are sooo...bitchy! Shit. MJ and Karen should have hooked up.

minnie michael

New member
yes thanks a lot to Karen, its so obviously that Karen consider all of fans as her close friends, she can come to forum and told us what 's she thought about, its very nice of her.. yes i feel a bit disappointed about Debbie..you are not a celebrity dearly, please be more mature like you used to be.. children cannot leave their daddy.. :censored:

no matter what happened, nobody can take children away from their papa..xiixixix :console :pacifier


I all of a sudden feel really bad that it turned out this way.


Staff member
Yeah, I posted that post I leave for a few hours and it ballooned to a 8 page thread (now it's like 10 or 12 pages)

But this is what I posted over there in response to Karen Faye's comments: I completely agree. I also think it is totally unfair for her to think that Michael and HIS children should just sit around and wait for her to make up her damn mind about whether she wants to be in their lives or not. That $hit ain't right.

Yeah, damn right I said HIS kids. He is the one who's raised them and she's the one that said they don't call her mother b/c she doesn't want them to. She filed for divorce, she wanted to be able to go the grocery store etc; she wanted her independence.

Michael's first priority is his children. And what happens if he does relent and let's her into their lives more. Then after a while she can't handle the media being all in her business again, and the attention, and the psycho-photographers, and the helicopters flying over her new horse ranch, and she wants her independence again, and she leaves again because she can't take it?? That's just ain't right and nothing about what's going on in the current "case" is going to make me see it any other way.
Originally posted by whisper
Yeah, I posted that post I leave for a few hours and it ballooned to a 8 page thread (now it's like 10 or 12 pages)

But this is what I posted over there in response to Karen Faye's comments: I completely agree. I also think it is totally unfair for her to think that Michael and HIS children should just sit around and wait for her to make up her damn mind about whether she wants to be in their lives or not. That $hit ain't right.

Yeah, damn right I said HIS kids. He is the one who's raised them and she's the one that said they don't call her mother b/c she doesn't want them to. She filed for divorce, she wanted to be able to go the grocery store etc; she wanted her independence.

Michael's first priority is his children. And what happens if he does relent and let's her into their lives more. Then after a while she can't handle the media being all in her business again, and the attention, and the psycho-photographers, and the helicopters flying over her new horse ranch, and she wants her independence again, and she leaves again because she can't take it?? That's just ain't right and nothing about what's going on in the current "case" is going to make me see it any other way.

Bravo, Well done Whisper!



Perhaps she has no way of being able to contact Michael and the media was her only route.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. She clearly wanted Michael's attention and clearly got it.

I'm not agreeing with her actions. I would prefer it if she goes away too, but possible explaination as to why she goes to the media (hypocritically too.)


Staff member
Originally posted by HoldMeThrillMe
Perhaps she has no way of being able to contact Michael and the media was her only route.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. She clearly wanted Michael's attention and clearly got it.

I'm not agreeing with her actions. I would prefer it if she goes away too, but possible explaination as to why she goes to the media (hypocritically too.)
Nope. They're already in contact b/c they had to agree on which judge they wanted to hear this matter. So no, the media isn't the only way she's able to contact him. She can also contact him through his attorney.


Originally posted by HoldMeThrillMe
Perhaps she has no way of being able to contact Michael and the media was her only route.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. She clearly wanted Michael's attention and clearly got it.

I'm not agreeing with her actions. I would prefer it if she goes away too, but possible explaination as to why she goes to the media (hypocritically too.)

Thats what the courts are for. If a judge called a hearing for the both of them to attend, he would have to go regardless.

SHE didn't mention the children, her lawyer has been. He said Grace is a muslim and Debbie is worried about her being around the children because of her religion. :cryptic

She just went on ET so they could document her plastic surgery operation and such, I saw the preview and I wanted to throw a brick at her. :laugh


New member
Originally posted by NevaehDreamz

She just went on ET so they could document her plastic surgery operation and such, I saw the preview and I wanted to throw a brick at her. :laugh
:crackingu :crackingu
hell, i wanted to throw one of her horses at her. :nonono:


Originally posted by HoldMeThrillMe
omg are u serious??? LOL

Yeaaa, then they showed her her face after the surgery and she's like 'ommmgggg, that's me?'. Woman, this aint Extreme Makeover!


minnie michael

New member
its so hard to accept the fact that Mikey is in difficult position right now, he is fighting for his freedom and his clear name..why Deibble choose this time to talk about children's things..xiixi i hate you ..its so mean to do this just add salt on Mikey' s wound..he canot leave his children apart right now i want to say.. :mad: :mad:

i still look forward to positive happened to them..just like deal with the problem in private please donot take it into courtroom..that's NOT a big deal just private affairs there is no need to let the world know this .. Debbie please look back and think about what you said before..you were our savior..you gave Mikey two precious gifts i wanna say thanks you very much..but please be sane right now donot force me to hate you.. :tickingti


Wow.. She's gone really weirder than I could believe..


well not case but, uh, debbie is the case now lol! :p