I\'m going to Neverland next summer



You can't get in to Australia unless you you have a direct relative who is at least 3rd generation kangaroo or koala.


New member
K.. my post didn't post the rest..lol.. Is anyone going to the trial at some point, doesn't matter when, next year?

Cus I can only go if I go with someone else, preferably someone older. From UK btw..lol.


New member
Originally posted by dangerous
really? :D

and did you know you cant get to Canada without figure skating a perfect 8, playing hockey while drunk on beer and wrestling a moose to the ground with your bare hands? Its tru, not to mention its a pain here, having to live in these igloos with beaver pictures hung on the "walls", along with all the constant sliding over the ice and everything.

:crackingu That was ****ing funny. Im canadian too and that just cracked me up.