WTF?? Damn, now THERE'S an unexpected bit of news to wake you up in the morning! :lol: I thought it was a fake, parodic article or something when I first saw this! :extremely LOL! :lol:
This is just soo ironic..a little TOO ironic for my taste :cryptic It's just soo random how, of all people in that county, they just happen to select Michael Jackson, especially after all that just recently took place with the trial! Sounds like they just want an excuse to have him back in court...:laugh :uh_uh:
It will be interesting to see if this all pans out or not. I mean, I DOUBT he would get chosen for the jury even IF he did go through the selection process (as I highly doubt the state will want to invest in even MORE money than they already did during the trial for security and other costs), but I wouldn't be too surprised if the funky ass court system up there made him go through the selection process anyway, just to make an example out of him...*rollseyes*