Windows XP: Visionary Edition

:laugh: Hello everyone! I've taken my time with this and I think it's come out really nicely! Its a Windows MODIFICATION, not an actual operating system. For those of you that don't understand computers that means its wont change your computers functions, it'll just change the way it looks! Tell me what you think, here's a few screenshots! Don't worry about spyware, adware, viruses and stoopit stuff like that, because there is none! JUST MAKE SURE you install all of the files in the "NEEDED PROGRAMS" section because ... lol...u need those to use the Visionary edition of Windows!

This is the new MJ Boot Screen


This is the new Visionary LOGON Screen

This is the Desktop Wallpaper that comes with it

The download for it is Here!!!:biggrin:


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"Hello - We regret to say that we had major failure of our systems, and unfortunatly all files were lost. You are free to reupload your files here. We can only apolagise for this, as such we have removed all traffic limits in the hope that we can get the sites popularity back!

Thanks "



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berthavelia said:
"Hello - We regret to say that we had major failure of our systems, and unfortunatly all files were lost. You are free to reupload your files here. We can only apolagise for this, as such we have removed all traffic limits in the hope that we can get the sites popularity back!

Thanks "

Yeah I wonder what happened?? :(