Recent content by JohnnysLilPirate

  1. J

    drawing i did

    hey, i drew this a few days ago...i know it doesn't look all that great but i like it anyway. pls tell me what ya think :/
  2. J

    in need of some textures

    does anyone have any REALLY good texures sites?? I'd really appreciate it, thanks.
  3. J

    anyvne vant a bleeennnddd??

    Hey peeps! :D I'm in a pretty good mood today so uh if you want a blend/wallpaper/icon and just can't seem to make one or just want one to have one, feel free to ask me here. Just make sure the pictures are in good quality and their not too small. so ask away!!!!!!!!! :D
  4. J

    terrible, awful documentary on ABC - Update: LOSER in the Ratings

    Are you guys watching this horrible documentary on Michael on ABC? Their talking about the case, and earlier 'occurances' in which he 'molested' some kids. Gosh this is so horrible :bluecry: why are they doin this?! Their showing interviews from the kids and saying awful things that Michael...
  5. J


    hey guys! I'm in desperate need of some good Michael sites for pictures. See the ones I have I've used a million times! :laugh and yeah I think you get what I'm saying. The ones I got are mjparadise, neverland-valley,, mjprimenova... so if someone could give me some good picture...
  6. J

    Michael Jackson: Artist of the Week

    The first major historical box set of Michael Jackson's career arrives in stores November 16th! Three and a half decades after an 11-year old phenomenon from Gary, Indiana and his teenage brothers forever changed the face of popular music, MICHAEL JACKSON - THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION marks the...
  7. J

    I have a question.

    K, forgive me for not being up-to-date or anything but what are "Cheater" and "We've Had Enough"? I mean, I know their apparently MJ Songs. But like have they been released?? I'd like some more Info if someone could please fill me in :) thank you.
  8. J

    Brushes site

    hey does anyone know the brushes and textures site that has Viggo Mortenson for the layout?? Well I was wondering because there was a texture set there that I want to d/load on this computer and I can't remember the link, so if anyone on here could help me out I'd appreciate it. The texture was...
  9. J

    Winners of Blend Contest

    Congrats to all the entries and winners!! :) and for some reason i had a bit of trouble w/ this one..
  10. J

    J\'mon! & vote!

    lol I thought that had a nice little ring to it :laugh anyways... the contest is officially over and here are the beautiful sexy entries that you are supposed to vote for lol. Rules: 1. Vote only one time 2. PM me your vote 3. Do not vote for yourself (that's cheating) 4. Good Luck...
  11. J

    What More Can I Give Pics

    does anyone know where I can find some of those?? I've looked around for awhile now & can't seem to find any WMCIG pics... if u can give me a link I'd appreciate it.. thank you! :) Mucho gracias!
  12. J

    NEW blend CONTEST! wooo!

    I just wanna say how excited I am for being a host of a blend contest for the 3rd time now! I'm very thrilled :D I can't believe how long it's been since we've had a blend contest, woo wonder what happened there?? Anyyywayssss I hope this is a successful contest, I want a ton of entries this...
  13. J

    Is anyone planning on starting a blend contest?

    the reason I am asking is because I would really like to start up a new blend contest. So if no one was planning to, I'd like to. So speak now or forever hold your peace.
  14. J

    I have a pic request

    okay you remember the Radio Music Awards when Michael was with Beyonce' and she presented him with that humanitarian award? Well I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I cud find some pics of that. Here are 2 that I found that might help: Thank you! :)
  15. J

    MJ Fan Questionaire

    Okay I'm extremely bored so I am creating this questionaire since I know all ya'll love these! :D:D hehehe, lol. 1.) When did you become a Michael Jackson fan? Why? 2.) What do you love most about Michael? 3.) Name 1 MJ item that you own that means the most to you? 4.) If you could say 1...