Official Feb. 23rd Jury Selection Thread



Originally posted by HeavenSent
yeah he was the DA for all those years. But remember tho, he ran UNCHALLENGED. The crooked man never had any opposition.

Maybe not everyone in SB is satisfied w/him. I still believe he's not going to bow out gracefully.

If they all had a problem with him, someone would have challenged him. You don't just let someone, if there is a problem with don't nothing.

Most people probably just don't give a f*ck.

What do you know about your county DA? Of couse I'm sure they all know about him NOW.

I'm in a sour mood now. I can't imagine what Michael is feeling.


New member
Originally posted by frozen rose
well, this could be a good thing in a way, the quicker the jury is picked, the faster the trial will finish. But that is my opinion.

tbh it's better for him to have a fair trial than one that's speedy.


New member
I still can't get over how short the jury selection was. I'm so ... angry. I'm gonna get defensive soon lol. Watch for the stages.
This decision was completely unfair.. The interuption of the proceeding for further questioning of the remaining potential Juror's and the limited amount of time could accord for an appeal. I don't see these choosen Juror's being fully adequate due to the fact that they were only questioned for 10 mins, therefore limiting the time for the defense to detect potential Bias!


Staff member
Originally posted by frozen rose
I am feeling very dizzy and shooken up about this...seriously
Please. THis ain't cause to be falling out.

Anyway, I agree that 10 minutes to question each juror member was a ridiculously short amount of time for questions.

Can the defense file for an appeal before we proceed into the next stage of the trial? or are you only permitted to do so if the defedant is convicted?


New member
Hang in there, guys. If there's one thing that we've learned since this inception, is that bad times don't last forever.

Crazy as it may sound right now, but this may very well backfire in the prosecution's face. Just like every other decision that the DA has made.

Originally posted by privacy
Loose.. wanna join me in a mass massacre on the judge and sned etc.. and force them to do exactly as we wish? :D

Can I join in? *grabs Big-Arse-Gun ™*

Two things wrong with this picture:

1) No black jurors? Ok. That's REALLY telling me something about judge Melville... LOSER.
2) 10 minutes of questioning? LESS than a week to choose the jurors?

Double-You-Tee-Eff?! (translation: WTF???)

Other than that completely fawked-up decision... AAAH!! MIKE LOOKS SO HOTTTT


New member
Originally posted by HeavenSent
Hang in there, guys. If there's one thing that we've learned since this inception, is that bad times don't last forever.

Crazy as it may sound right now, but this may very well backfire in the prosecution's face. Just like every other decision that the DA has made.


Well said HeavenSent :)